Shannon's Travel Blog

Thursday, September 20, 2012

So Long! Farewell! Auf Wiedersehen! Adieu!

Well the time has come and the time is now! I am FINALLY leaving for Africa! It's been a long time coming but I am currently in JFK waiting to take off for Cameroon. Of course I'm super excited, super nervous, and mostly pretty tired ;) This blog will now be the place for ya'll to witness my trials and triumphs in the Peace Corps so if you're ever looking for a bit of exoticism in your life (the g-rated kind, mind you!) pull up this page and read about the crazy country of Cameroon.

Fun fact to start off with, Cameroon is home to the largest frog in the world (almost a foot long), and it has a waterfall that flows directly into the ocean! ALSO, it is home to the rarest (not sure that's a word?) gorilla in the world! I'll try and get a picture of all three.

Anyway, I love you all and I thank you SOOOOOOO much for your support. Heaven knows I wouldn't be here without you all. PLEASE keep in touch and send me emails about your life. I will miss you all and promise to keep you as updated as technological access will allow. Keep my in your prayers and thoughts and wait to hear from me again. MUAH! Shannon